Pastor and Sis. Vickery
Pastor Vickery is a dynamic preacher of the Gospel. He began his full time ministry in Oakdale, LA as a youth pastor of the First Church of Oakdale. After almost four years as a youth pastor, he accepted the call as Assistant Pastor of New Life Tabernacle in Dallas, TX, where he served for over three years before being called to Calvary Tabernacle of Beaumont. Since Pastor Vickery arrived on October 15th, 2006, the church has seen God do some incredible things. On July 5th, 2015, God led him to establish another campus for Calvary Tabernacle in Winnie. TX. A little over two years later, Calvary Tabernacle Winnie began having Spanish service on August 13th, 2017 which still continues to this day. On July 7th, 2019 God opened another door for a third campus to be established in China, TX. We know that God is not done doing great works through Calvary Tabernacle and we look forward to all that God is going to do under Pastor Vickery’s leadership.
Pastor Vickery & his wife Sis. Holly. Along with their three children Cydnee, Celine, and Cierra